Fistula Surgery

An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the rectum or anal canal and the skin near the anus. It can cause persistent pain, infection, and discomfort. Suvidha Hospitals provides advanced treatment options such as:
Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT):

This innovative technique involves using a special video camera to visualize the fistula tract from the inside. The surgeon can then clean and seal the fistula with precision, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and reducing the risk of recurrence.

Laser Fistula Treatment:

A thin laser probe is inserted into the fistula tract, and laser energy is used to ablate the fistula. This procedure is minimally invasive, reduces the risk of complications, and promotes faster healing.

Patients can usually return to normal activities within a few days, making these techniques ideal for those seeking a swift recovery